Works–new delhi refutels
no f.11016/21/80-epc dated 7th and 15th july regarding parliament question on
environmental pollution admitted for 21st july (.) Studies
by team of BHU scientist under the supervision of Dr. B.D. Tripathi, Centre for
Advanced Studies, Botany reveals quote damage to environment around
Mugalsarai yard, Vasant paper mill, Manahar insecticide industries and Ramnagar
glass works(.) Many fruit bearing trees as also timber severely affected (.)
Indicating high level of particulate pollution (.) Gradient of improving
vegetation away in areas not affected (.) Discharge
of Vasant paper mill into the Ganga near Ramnagar with abnoxious smell causing
inconvenience and toxicity to people and plant in the area (.) Discharging of
effluent posing serious problem for river water uses of Varanasi(.)
Needing extensive studies from pollution points as also to check discharge
toxic material in river Ganga (.) Sewage and dirty water discharge from Assi to
Rajghat areas of bathing activity generates pollution of Ganga water (.)
Requiring proper care or management (.) Unquote suggestion by team quote
construction of public lavatories at appropriate places avoiding fecal
discharge electric crematoria treatment of sewage settling ponds gas generating
unit unquote.
Ministry of Environment and
Dr. P. Khanna, Director, NEERI,
Mr. S.K. Chawala, Chief Engineer (Ret.) CPWD,
Dr. G.D. Agrawal, Former Member Secretary, CPCB,
Dr. B.D. Tripathi, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Shri M.C. Mehta, Advocate,